
Jigsaw PSHE

PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) education is taught throughout our school using the Jigsaw program.  

At Donington Cowley Endowed Primary School our teaching of PSHE aims to equip our children with the knowledge and skills necessary to lead happy, healthy lives and to be effective, passionate learners.  We bring together Personal, Social, Health Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development that will encourage our children to be tolerant and empathise with others, whilst developing their own sense of worth, inner confidence and resilience. 

There is more information in the leaflet below.

This term we the topic is 'Healthy Me'.  Across the school we will be learning about what keeps us healthy, so things like a good, varied diet and exercise.  A healthy mind is equally as important as a healthy body, so we will be looking at relaxation techniques, friendships and wellbeing.  Many people today take medications, both prescribed and bought 'over the counter'.  Will be talking to the children about the importance of only taking medicines given by a trusted adult.