
Governing Body

Mr R Cole

(Chair of Governors/Local Authority)

Mrs J King

(Vice Chair of Governors/Cowley Trust Foundation)

Mrs S Foston

Headteacher (Staff)

Mrs S Ogden


Mrs K Colburn-Hayes


Mr S Creasey


Mr T Keast


Mrs A Seymour


Mr S Walsh


Mrs E Floyd

Clerk to the Governors

Should you wish to contact the Governing Body, please address all correspondence to Mrs E Floyd, Clerk to Governors c/o Donington Cowley Endowed Primary School.
Please click below to read the Terms of Reference for the Resource Management Committee;
Please click below to read the terms of reference for the Curriculum and Standards Committee;
Name Category Appointed By Date of First Appointment Start of Office Expiry of Office Committee Membership Roles/Responsibility Governance Roles in other Educational Institutions Register of Interests
Mrs S Foston Headteacher Ex-Officio 01/01/22 01/01/22  


Curriculum & Standards

Resource Management


Parent Governor Willoughby Academy None
Mr R Cole Local Authority Local Authority 04/10/2016  05/11/2020  03/11/2024

Curriculum & Standards

Chair of Governors

Head Teacher Performance Management


None None
Mrs S Ogden Staff Staff 17/09/2021  17/09/2021 16/09/2025 Curriculum & Standards   None None
Mrs K Colburn-Hayes Parent Parents 25/06/2021 25/06/2021 24/06/2025

Curriculum & Standards


Chair of Curriculum & Standards

SEND and Inclusion Governor

None None
Mrs J King Foundation   Board/Trust








Resource Management


Vice Chair of Governors
Headteacher Performance Management
Cowley Academy- Curriculum None
Mr Sam Creasey Parent  Parents  15/12/2021  15/12/2022  14/12/2025  Pay Safeguarding/LAC/Prevent Governor    
Mrs Sarah Bach Associate Governor/ School Bursar Board/ Trust  04/09/2024  04/09/2024  03/0/2028 Resource Management      
Mrs Ann Seymour Co-opted Board/Trust 22/02/2023 22/02/2023 21/02/2027    Attendance Governor    
Mr Simon Walsh Co-opted Board/Trust 22/02/2023 22/02/2023 21/02/2027 Resource Management  Chair of Resource Management

Health Safety Governor