

Welcome to Dragonflies Class!
Reception/Year 1
We are so excited to welcome the new Reception children into our school as well as welcoming back our returning Year 1's! We have lots of exciting learning taking place that we can't wait to share with the children! 

Important information for starting school:

  • Label everything! Trying to sort out 30 identical jumpers at the end of the day is incredibly difficult. If clothes are labelled it will make it so much easier. – Thank you
  • Please bring in a labelled pair of wellies to keep at school
  • Forest school is every Friday afternoon. Please send children into school wearing their clothes or with a bag containing suitable clothes for forest school (t-shirt, tracksuit bottoms, jumper etc) 
  • We will be outside in all weathers so dress for the weather of the day
  • Please pack a full change of clothes every day including shoes (Just in case) as children get very busy and excited often forgetting to go to the toilet until it is too late. 
  • Remember to regularly check the school website/tapestry for updates
  • Drinks bottles are not needed as we will be using cups in the classroom
PE days (send children to school in PE kits): 
Reception - Tuesday
Year 1 - Monday
Forest school: 
Every Friday afternoon - please ensure children come to school dressed in their forest school clothes or with a bag containing their clothes! As the weather is now turning colder, please send hats, scarves and gloves with the children.
Miss J Rolfe

Class Teacher

I'm Miss Rolfe, Dragonflies class teacher. I cannot wait for a fun-filled year of playing learning and adventuring together. I hope we can all work and play together to learn as much as we can this year and have lots of fun in the process! See you all soon! :)

Mrs C Wilderspin

Teaching Assistant

Reader of the week:
Star of the week:
 Vinnie, Leah, George, Jorge, Ronnie H, Ada, Kyla, Aleigha, Caelan and Lennox! 
Citizen of the week:
For the last two weeks of term, the children will be focussing on lots of short christmas stories.
Spring Term
The topics this term are 'Superheroes' and 'Jurassic Adventure'. Below you will find the topic overviews. 
Autumn Term:
Our topics this term are 'My World' and 'The Snowman's Journey'. Below you will find out topic overviews to see what we will be learning. Also below is our Autumn Term Topic newsletter. 
Summer Term
Our topics this term are 'The Great Outdoors' and 'Out of Africa'. Below you will find the topic overviews. 
Learning to Read
Developing a love of reading in children is a great way to encourage the development of many skills and enhances children's love for learning throughout their life. 
In class, we share many stories with children that interest them - anything from dinosaurs to princesses! 
Every Friday, your child can choose a book from our book shelf to take home. This is for you to share with your child, it is not for them to read. 
During phonics we will be using the 'Read Write inc' scheme. This gives children a fantastic start to their reading journey. Below are a selection of links to videos that introduce phonics and 'Read Write  inc' as well as showing how you can support your child at home.